Wednesday 19 September 2012

Still Waters & Blending

Here are two paintings using acrylics that i have done recently..

The most important feature of both is the blending of colours. Learning how to blend is probably one of the most important lessons to be learnt when working with paints. Blending is the gradual transition from one colour to another. 

Take a look at these images.

This image is blending colours everywhere!

It is a useful excersize to get some paints out and on a blank sheet of paper, try mixing colours and blending colours. If you look at any given image, there are almost always going to be darker shades of a colour and lighter shades of a colour. Learning how to paint this is a useful skill and will enhance your painting technique. 

Try looking at the colour wheel. Usually colours on opposites, when mixed, create nothing but a browny colour so unless that is what you want, try and avoid that.

Here is a link that teaches the basics in blending.

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