Tuesday 18 September 2012


Watercolour paints are a different medium to oils and acrylics. They appear more transparent and luminous because of the pigments that are laid down on the paper. The concept behind watercolour painting is to add water to the paint. 

I have decided to try something a bit different and add water to acrylic paint and see if i get the same effect!

Things you will need:
- canvas
- water colour paints
- water colour brushes
- water
- paint pallete

Tips for Watercolour Painting:

1. Something to remember before you start... Water colour paints will always look darker when they are wet.

2. When water colours have dried, they still remain water soluble 

3. It's a good idea to always test a colour first before you put it onto your painting.

4. An important one: Remember to start with lighter colours then apply the darker ones. It is good to experiment and try dark to light but it's not recommended.

5. Water colour paints are transparent so it is hard to cover up mistakes.


Here is a website with different water colour painting excersizes to help improve your painting skills!

Here are a few links and videos to watch that i find really helpful when dealing with watercolours.

Watercolour red apple

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